" Mao Al Mondo E Vane : Ne L'amore Ogni
dolcezza"— and no one need therefore be disappointed if his novel is rather dreary reading. The theme of the story is to a certain extent the same as that of a very recent book......
Countess Ida. By Fred Whishaw. (john Long. 6s.)—we Must Say
that the incident out of which this story is developed seems somewhat improbable. An English officer living in Russia becomes the victim of a plot which turns him into a Russian......
Lux Crucis. By Samuel S. Gardenhire. (harper And...
is a story of the Neronian persecution, not remarkable in any way except for the extraordinary names which the author has seen fit to give to his characters. What do our readers......
The Vineyard.*
THOUGH we may not always be quite certain of what she is driving at, Mrs. Craigie is one of those writers who can always be relied on to provide an interesting mixed......