What Is Social Work?
Sir: Peregrine Worsthorne asks God to forgive social workers, for they know not " what they do (Notebook, 18 April). He is probably right about most of them, but their......
No Solution Offered
Sir: Unlike two of your correspondents last week I feel that both your editorial and Mr West's article on the Brixton riots (18 April) contained more than a germ of truth. There......
Empty Wagons
Sir: Alastair Forbes's review of A Lonely Business (25 April), although fundamentally boring, must have been fun for him to write because the book seems to have been stuffed......
Bad Story
Sir: Congratulations to Nicholas von Hoffman for his thoughts on the ignominy suffered by the Washington Post over the Pulitzer Prize farce (25 April). It was high time that......
Bartok: The Facts
Sir: I hope Richard Ingrams will welcome nine facts in reply to his opening paragraph in your issue of 18 April, the more so since he devotes close on 300 words to grave......
Fern Au
Sir: May I offer Taki a description of the liberated ladies he encountered ('High life,' 18 April): 'Cows with a beef'. Colin Haycraft Gerald Duckworth and Company Ltd., The Old......