Essays In Antiquity
SIR,—In his Essays in Antiquity, Peter Green seenn to have Made a vigorous attack on what might V Called the Classical Establishment; and Geolirel Kirk's review bears every mark......
Sir,—mr. Newton, In His Letter Of Decemhcr 16, Suggests That
a 'humanities study' (like that of English literature) has no 'serious function' if it is not ultimately a study of 'how to live.' This is a not un- common view, but I think it......
Sir,—your Editorial On December 9 Had The Tone Of...
towards CND which it is now be- cornimi fashionable to adopt. (The changes in attitude to CND since its inauguration would make a fine study in journalistic motives.) I am sure,......
What Shall We Do With Naughty Children?
SIR,—Alt)lough I. agree with most of Lady Wootton's article, urely—and surprisingly—she is idealising one aspect of the situation? Not every child has 'familiar and beloved......
Pursuit Of Peace Sir Stephen King-hall, J. S. Roe Literature
into Life Simon Gray and Howard Burns, John Holloway Essays in Antiquity Denis Henry and B. Walker What Shall We Do With Naughty Children? Rosalind Chalmers Whitewash? Isabel......
Literature Into Life
SIR,—Dr. Donald Davie refers to the Cambridge undergraduate literary magazine, Delta. According to Dr. Davie, 'the student writers never considered (I) that great works have......