After The New Deal What? By Norman Thomas Mr. Thomas
has recently been com- plimented by Time (not usually lavish of praise) on his educational presidential campaign, and though the Socialist can- didate did much less well in......
My Talks With Dean Spanley
By Lord Dunsany From the dust-jacket to the last page My Talks With Dean Spanley (Heine- mann, 5s.) is an excellent joke for a win- ter's evening. The author, to obtain proof of......
Current Literature
The frontispiece of this book (Mc- Graw-Hill, 10s. 6d.) is a gruesome picture of soil erosion in Stewart County, Georgia—a picture that is practically a complete sermon in......
What A Pleasant, Agreeable Volume (longman, 10s. 6d.) Mr....
has made with his selection of letters out of the latter part of the seventeenth cen- tury. It was to be expected that he would, since it was in that period, from the......