In America The Newspapers Have Made A Great Deal Of
clamour about Mr. Roosevelt's want of diplomacy, courtesy, and so forth, but the wider American public is pleased, and rightly pleased, that the most representative citizen of......
In The New Ministry General Botha, Besides Being Prime...
is Minis' ter of Agriculture,—a very right and natural appointment. Mr. Hull is Finance Minister; General Smuts, Minister of the Interior, of Defence, and of Mines ; Mr. Sauer,......
The Emperor Francis Joseph Left Budapest On Sunday Last To
pay a State visit to Serajevo, the capital of Bosnia. At first he was received with respectful curiosity, but this gradually developed into something like enthusiasm, the......
On Friday Week In The Lower House Of The Diet
the Prussian Government withdrew its Franchise Reform Bill, which had just been sent down from the Upper House. We do not suppose that the loss of such illiberal reforms will......
News Of The Week
• P ERHAPS the chief event of the week has been Mr. Roosevelt's speech at the Guildhall. Timid, fussy, and pedantic people have charged Mr. Roosevelt with all sorts of crimes......
' The Union Of South Africa Was Proclaimed At Pretoria
on Tuesday. There was a special service in the Cathedral, and at a ceremony in the Legislative Assembly Lord Gladstone, the Governor-General, and the members of the new Govern-......