The French Shore Question In Newfoundland, In Other...
interpretation of the rights of the French fishermen for whom a separate reserve was created on the coast of Newfoundland by the various treaties and agreements beginning with......
The Daily Telegraph Of Saturday Last Contains An Account Of
a conversation with some Boer prisoners on their way to Ceylon which deserves special attention as showing the real feeling of the Boers. "You will return," said the writer in......
The List Of New Year Honours Published On Tuesday Is
hardly worthy of the dawn of a new century. We note, how- ever, with satisfaction the bestowal of Privy Councillorships on Mr. Barton, one of the protagonists in the drama of......
It Is Stated This Week That The Sultan Has Issued,
or, more correctly, renewed, a decree forbidding Jews to remain in Palestine for more than three months. By this means he evidently intends to strike not only at pilgrims and......
The Princess Of Wales, As President Of The Soldiers' And
Sailors' Families Association, has issued a further appeal for subscriptions. The task imposed on the Association by the exigencies of the war has been the maintenance of the......
Mr. William O'brien, M.p., Having Been Ordered Abroad For...
health, has addressed a parting manifesto to the Irish nation. Primarily his address takes the form of an appeal for subscriptions to the Parliamentary Fund, in the course of......
The Fine Cartoon In This Week's Punch—time Checking The...
of Bellona—is the last that will appear from the pen of Sir John Tenniel, who retiree, after an unbroken connec- tion of fifty years, from the active staff of the journal so......
A Violent Westerly Gale, Attended By Considerable Loss Of...
and great destruction of shipping and damage to sea - defence works, raged throughout the whole of Friday week. The ' Primrose Hill,' a four-masted ship, was wrecked off the......
Bank Rate, 5 Per Cent.
New Consols (21) were on Friday 97.......