5 JANUARY 1962, page 25

Mirrors Up To Art Sut,—mr. Julian Jebb Wonders In The

Spectator why, in my concern to promote the intelligent study of literature, I haven't recommended the writing of parody, so perhaps I may be allowed some not very original......

'unworthy Allegations' Mirrors Up To Art One For The Morgue

God and the Soviets In Ferment Hopes and Fears Edible Fungi Travellers' Cheques The Death of Napoleon Malta Preserved Man and Caveman %gestic Fats' Approach to the Pyramides......

One For The Morgue

SIR, —By the time you read this your leader- heading, 'One for the Morgue,' will have proved tragically prophetic for dozens of Christmas road- users. It is therefore alarming......

God And The Soviets Sus,—it Seemed To Me, As The

publisher's editor responsible for this book, that the review of our publication God and the Soviets by Censtantin de Grunwald, in your issue of December 8, went rather beyond......

5115,—would You Be Good Enough To Explain (hat: 'driving...

the influence is not a crime in the same way that, say, theft is a crime.' 15 Heath wood Gardens, Swanky, Kent [Theft is recognised as a criminal activity by thieves : driving......