6 JUNE 1829, page 2

News Of The Week.

IN the House of Commons, the session of Parliament has virtually closed, as the House adjourned last night, till Friday, to allow the Lords to complete their business. Their......

The Campaign In The East Is Began. On The 13th

of May, General Diebitsch broke up from his encampments, and advanced with his whole army towards Silistria. It appears from the first bulletin, that on the 17th, he was within......

M. Chatembriand Has Arrived In Paris ; And A Change

of Minishy —the consequence of their own weakness and his intrigues—is anticipated.......

The Session Of The Legislative Chambers Of Brazil Was Opened

by tlig Emperor on the 2d April. This is the manner in which he speaks of' the finances of his empire.......

"the Wretched State Of The Treasury Is As Clear As

day ; and I am very sorry to foretel, that if, in this extraordinary session, and in the course of the ordinary session, this Assembly, in spite of repeated recommendations,......

The Lower House Of The Legislature Of Grenada Have Passed

a bill to enable Roman Catholics to vote at elections for members of Assembly.......

Latest News.

SATURDAY, Two O'CLOCK. The last despatches received by the Russian Ambassador, Prince Lieven, contained an account of the success of an attempt to throw a considerable......


STOCK EXCHANGE, SATURDAY MORNING, HALF-PAST TEN—The shutting of the new 4 per Cents. and Consuls for the Dividend, which took place, the first on Tuesday, and the other on......