Births, Marriages And Deaths.
BIRTHS. On the 26th April, at Woolwich, the Lady of Captain J. H. CADDY, Royal Artillery. of a daughter. On the 30th, at Dalton, near Ulverstone. the Wife of the Rev. Jolts......
Fine Arts.
THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITION. THE display of the Royal Academy this year is below the average in merit and interest, and deplorably deficient in those higher qualities,......
Military Gazette. Orricz Or Ordnance, April 30.-royal...
Lieut, C. T. Du Plat to be First Lieut. vice Cookson, resigned. WAR-OFFICE. May 6.-4th Regt. of Drag. Guards-Lieut. J. R. J. Coles, from the 9th Light Drags. to be Lieut. vice......
Commercial Gazette.
Tuesday, May 3. PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED. Gilford and Jones. Camberwell, g lass-dealers- Bowser and Balls. Great Russell Street, Bloomsbury, auctioneers-Wilson and Rose. Carlisle,......