Sketches Of Booksellers Of Other Days. By E. Marston....
Low, Marston, and Co. 5s.)—Mr. Marston has done all that was possible for his subject, but that has sometimes been but little. The two conspicuously best of these eight papers......
Two Books About Cathedrals May Be Mentioned Together....
by the Very Rev. Dean Leigh (Isbister and ('o, Is. net), after giving a short historical sketch of the church, describes the architecture and the chief features of the building......
The Life Of Savonarola. By E. L. S. Horsburgh. (methuen
and Co. 3s. 61) . —Savonaraa. By the Rev. George McHardy, D.D. (T. and T. Clark. 33.)—The first of these volumes belongs to the series of "Little Biographies," the second to......
Anni Fvgaces. By R. C. Lehmann. (john Lane. 3s. 6d.)—this
"Book of Verse, with Cambridge Interludes," strengthens our belief that, whatever may be the present supply in this country of really humorous prose, of humorous verse we have......
The Private Llfe Of The King. By One Of His
Majesty's Servants. (C. Arthur Pearson. 5s.)—We do not much like this kind of book. But as it is bound to come, it is well to have it written by some one who knows, and has......
Tales Of The Stumps. By Horace Bleakley. (ward, Lock, And
Co. 3s. 6d.)—Here we have some entertaining stories, in which cricket and love-making are cleverly compounded. "Playing a Substitute," where Lady Kitty, much against her will,......
Gardening For Beginners. By E. T. Cook. (g. Newnes And
Country Life Office. 10s. (d.)—Here is yet another book about gardening, full of information about both the useful and the ornamental, and as far as we have been able to test......
Notes Of A Rambler. By D. Brown Anderson. (houlston And
Sons. 5s.)—Mr. Anderson has given us here between thirty and forty papers. Some of them are transcripts of natural scenes; now and then we find a vein of speculation; commonly......
Charlotte Hanbury : An Autobiography. Edited By Her...
Albert Read. (Marshall Brothers. 6s.)—Miss Hanbury reminds us, in a way, of Miss Marianne North (whose paintings of the "flowers of the world" are known to visitors to Kew).......
Blessed Sebastian Newdigate. By Dom Bede Camm, O.s.b....
Book Company. 2s. 6d. net.)—Sebastian Newdigate came of a family which belonged, so to speak, to the "nobility of the robe." His father was a Serjeant-at-Law, and he was one of......