10 APRIL 1875, Page 1


EITHER the European peace is in danger, or Prince Bismarck is anxious it should be thought in danger, for all manner of dangerous rumours are current in Berlin. The Ministerial Post of that city even warns its readers to awake, for "war is coming on." It declares that the majority in the French Assembly and Marshal MacMahon and the French Princes are anxious for war, lest the Republic should establish itself, and that they look to an Austro-Italian alliance for aid, which, however, has not yet been secured. Italy is not unwilling, as she desires to make of the Pope a tool to spread Italian influence all over the world, but in Austria the Andrassy Government is not yet turned out. All this seems very dreamy, and the Post acknowledges there may be delay; but the Berlin Correspondent of the Times thinks the article important enough to send by tele- graph, and it would hardly have been published without some serious object. That object may be to hint to Austria that the Emperor's visit to Italy has displeased the German Government, or it may be to create an impression in Ger- many that Austria as she exists is a standing danger to the United Empire. In any case, it deserves to be noted, more especially as France, which desires only peace, is so directly .accused of troubling the waters.