10 APRIL 1875, page 2

The Rumour Of The Intention Of The Emperor Of Brazil

to abdi- cate has been formally denied, and is believed to have been set on foot by the Ultramontanes, angry at the arrest of the Bishop of of Pernambuco. The Emperor, whatever......

Mr. Disraeli, Who Is Pacifying, We Cannot Exactly Say...

the House of Commons by doing nothing in a most humorous way, disposed of Mr. Whalley on Thursday by a most feli- citous retort. Two Judges, Mr. Justice Lawson in Ireland, and......

Mr. J. G. Hubbard Intends, On The 16th Of April,

to move the following resolution :—" That Local and Imperial Taxation, where their incidence is concurrent, should have a common basis of valuation, and should be alike assessed......

General Cissey, The French Minister Of War, On March 20th

addressed a Circular to the Generals commanding Corps d'Armie, which has just been published, and is of some im- portance. It informs them that the National Assembly has adopted......

Mr. Fawcett Attended A Meeting Of The Farmers' Club On

Monday, and warned those present that the clauses in the Tenant- right Bill giving landlords power to interfere with cultivation were much stronger than those giving......

Mr. Helms On Tuesday Made An Attempt To Anticipate The

Budget by a resolution condemning the Brewers' licence. This licence, which was put on in 1862 instead of the hop-duty, and now yields £450,000, presses, he said, with unequal......

To Him Replied Mr. Stansfeld, In A Stern Speech, Displaying

some indignation at Mr. Smollett's coarseness, but indicating, as we have elsewhere shown, that his own mind was a little disturbed from its usual perfect equilibrium by his own......

The Emperor Of Austria Arrived In Venice On The 4th

inst., and was magnificently received, the whole city turning out in his honour. Processions were organised on the Grand Canal, the great square was illuminated, and the Emperor......

Captain Hyde Writes To Thursday's Times To Justify His...

in the case of Luke Hills, the carter whose case was discussed in Parliament a week or two ago, and who was fined by a Bench of Sussex magistrates for breaking a year's......

Mr. Forsyth Moved On Wednesday The Second Reading Of The

Bill for removing the political disabilities of women, in a speech in which he repudiated the intention of enabling married women to vote, and ridiculed the notion that women......