10 APRIL 1915, Page 15



San,—In your issue of the 3rd inst. we notice a letter from "A Government Contractor" who is evidently uninformed on the present position of the Glengarnock Iron and Steel Company, Limited. Some time ago we leased their Siemens Martin Acid Open Hearth Melting Furnaces, also their

Cogging Mill and Guide Mill, and they are now working on material for the Government to assist us in this time of pressure. Enclosed please find cutting from the Glasgow Herald of March 6th.—I am, Sir, &a., For DAVID COLVILLE AND SONS, L/MITED (W. TORRANCE, Secretary).

Balza Steel and Iron Works, Motherwell.

"The statement published by the Daily aro-aide and repro- dined in our columns yesterday, to the effect that several Scottish steel works have been taken over by the British Government, is contradicted in reliable quarters, and there is reason to believe that the fact that the Admiralty are officially represented at the works which have Government contracts on hand may have been the basis of the report. The Glengarnock Iron and Steel Com- pany, Limited, part of whose plant has been idle for a few months, have agreed to lease for six months the Acid Open Hearth Steel Melting Plant, Cogging Mill and Guide Mill at Glengarnock to Messrs. David Colville and Sons, Limited, Motherwell. The arrangement has been made in order to assist the latter firm to meet the Government demands for steel materials."—Glasgoso Herald, March 6th.