10 APRIL 1915, page 14

Belgian Victims.

[To am Emma op ran oSesc - rsion."3 Bin, — I am an American and a constant reader for years of your paper, and having great confidence in and respect for your opinion, I am......

Living On Their Pay.

rib ME EDITOR OF me " SP...TAMS.") Bra—Will any of your correspondents kindly tell me whether Commissioned officers live on their pay in certan units? 011 inquiry one is......

Mr. Ellis Barker And Prince Bismarck. [to Ma Boum Or

am ..13mcnaos..] Sra—I have not been able to refer to the hitherto unpublished material brought together with so much industry by Mr. Ellis Barker in his article in the......

The Public Schools And The War.

("Clifton, remember," done into Greek.) [To me EDITOR w TU. "Eramams..I Sra—A short time ago I had occasion to visit my old school, Clifton College. In the familiar cloister, on......

Allowances For Officers' Widows. (to Tim Emma Or Tea...

SIR,—I read from time to time many references to the allow, ance for soldiers' wives and suggestions for adequate pensions to the widows of fallen soldiers. Scarce a word in the......


[To am EDITOR or MB ..liescr.o.^] Si.—In your issue of April 3rd "An Inquirer" propounds three inquiries. The first is of the nature of an inquiry commonly made by a low kind of......

Americans And The 'falaba.'

[To 7117 Roues st oat -sescravoa.-1 St,—Will some of your readers in the United States who occasionally send you striking and deeply interesting letteri kindly tell us the......