10 APRIL 1993, Page 27

A rebel's cause

Sir: On the teenage reading debate, I wish to respond to both Emma Forrest's (Tot- ing pop tarts, watching pop videos', 20 March) and Sabina Kalyan's (Letters, 3 April) views on the situation.

Firstly, Miss Kalyan's point on the atmo- sphere of the school library: 'If they find it intimidating, then why are they at school?' Why do you think they are at school? They have to be, whether they are intimidated by the, I admit, absolutely petrifying experi- ence, or not. This was, therefore, a rather nonsensical point to make.

As for the question of why anyone of teenage years reads at all, the whole reason why anyone reads great literature is to find out about sex, violence, and any other aspect of general misbehaviour they may be curious about.

I am also 16 years old and my view is that if our generation's only form of rebellion is not reading, it is truly a sorry state of affairs.

Caroline Howell

47 Captain French Lane, Kendal, Cumbria