10 DECEMBER 1927, Page 20

The Carnegie United -Kingdom Trust : has issued a most encouraging

report on the growth of County Libraries, which it began to finance in 1915 and to which it has contributed in all over £400,000, apart from its grants to the Central Library. for Students. Many of the Local Authorities are now giving rate-aid to the libraries, and serious readers in the small towns and villages are multiplying. Some counties have motor-vans taking regular consignments Of books to small libraries; so that their readers are no longer restricted in their. choice. It is obviously better to have a few well-stocked circulating libnicies of this kind than many, little libraries which cannot buy important new books for lack of funda. ,Special &Kilts can be borrowed, for instance, from the Central Library in Bloomsbury. The scheme is an excellent one,' and it has already done much to promote serious reading among the many people who have not ready access to city libraries.T