10 DECEMBER 1927, page 36

Tim Lancashire And Yorkshire Bank.

Before, however, dealing with the why and the where- fore of the amalgamation, it may be " well to set out briefly the actual facts. The Lancashire and Yorkshire Bank, which is......


These are days 'wheir shnrt titles are preferred by the banks.. A few years agowe had.titles like "Barclay, Bevan, Tritton, Ransom,- BouVerie and Co.," now known as Barclays......

The Sekth Largest Bank.

The paid-up capital of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Bank is £1,207,872 in shares of 120 each, with £12 paid, and the Reserve Fund is equal to the paid-up capital. Shareholders......

Finance—public And Private

An Interesting Banking Fusion THERE are certain points connected with the impending fusion of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Bank with the Bank of Liverpool and Martins which give......

Strength Without Monopoly. .

It is, indeed, this circumstance which lends exceptional interest to the latest banking amalgamation and Conceiv- ably explains the readiness with which Treasury ,eonsent......

Financial Notes

RISE IN TiE AMERICAN EXCHANGE. CLOSELY linked with the continued firmness of the Stock Markets is the rise- which has taken place in the American exchange. I say 'clokely linked......

America Buying British Securities.

Many explanations might be given of the rise in the Britishi pound as expressed in the American exchange on London, and foremost among them must be the large loans made by th......