10 FEBRUARY 1956, Page 18

King Kaye

The COURT JESTER. (Plaza.) The Court Jester finds Danny Kaye in a mediaeval England amusingly if not brilliantly parodied by authors-cum-directors Norman Panama and Melvin Frank. The world of tyrants, Robin Hoods, faire ladyes, knights in armour and other chivalresque figures is one in which Mr. Kaye can really expand, and in this film he displays all his talents, performs all his tricks, with unrestricted élan. There is little room, in the wide range of his capabili- ties, for development, for he has covered prac- tically every character known to the human race; and here, once again, we have him sing- ing songs very fast, imitating foreigners, croon- ing to a baby, dancing drolly and registering the emotions as rapidly as a spinning coin changes face. That he is a genius cannot be doubted, but the impact even of a genius is apt to become dulled into something pleasur- able rather than stunning if it is not refreshed from time to time with new wonders. And happily there are two in this film: impersona- tions of a very old, very deaf man, and a fighting hero of the Cyrano school, all sword- play and fine flaunting words. These two characterisations seem, perhaps 'because they are new, exquisitely funny, while the others. through familiarity, are merely funny.

In this glorious nonsense of court intrigue in which a usurping king, a baby with a royal birthmark, a witch, dwarfs, merrie men of the forest and a princess are entangled, an excellent supporting cast has been assembled to smack its lips with just the right amount of relish, to balance expertly between melodrama and farce. Cecil Parker and Glynis Johns, with their unerring sense of comedy, Basil Rath- bone, smoothly satanic, and Angela LansburY as a very hard-boiled pawn in the royal game make admirable foils for the hero's quick- silver thrusts. Whether actually thrusting with a rapier, fighting in the lists wearing a magnetic suit of armour, improvising songs or talking gibberish, Danny Kaye reassures us that he is still unique in the field of entertainment, a magical phenomenon weaving an irresistible