10 JULY 1909, Page 17


[To Tull EDITOR OF TUB "SP EcTATolt."] SIR,—Although agreeing with the first part of your corre- spondent's interesting letter (Spectator, July 3rd), he gives no proof at all that the great majority of the people would not gladly welcome the policy that every young man should be compelled to learn enough to enable him to defend his country and women and children against the now generally admitted possibility of invasion. If this question were put, unconnected with party politics, to every British man and woman in the country, surely more than ninety per cent, would be in favour of the necessary training. If our men are not able, willing, and prepared to perform their first duty to their native land, who is to do it for them, and how are we to be defended P Your correspondent's experience of working men may be much greater than mine, but at all events I know a large number personally, and outside of the House of Commons I know very few, if any, who would not support universal military training as put forward by Lord Roberts. Our political leaders know well how terribly dangerous our present position is because we have no effective army for home defence. As we have not been* seriously invaded for hundred of years, our people do not recognise or understand our danger, and the political leaders will not tell them because

they are afraid of losing votes. It is the political leaders, not the people, who prevent adequate measures for defence; and it is to be hoped that if the British Empire—the greatest power for justice, mercy, and freedom in the world—is wiped out, they will receive the punishment which they will so richly