10 JULY 1920, Page 14


[To TNT EDITOR. OF TIE " SPECTATOR."] Sis,—For want of a very moderate sum of money needed for repairs to the house, this excellent home for ladies of small means nearly closed its doors this month. The Ladies' Home, 53 Abbey Road, London, N.W., has done good work for sixty years. It consists of a freehold house and garden and a small endowment of about 420 a year. The expenses are met by the payments of the ladies, supplemented by subscriptions. Partly owing to the war, the house is in a bad state of repair, but expert advice guarantees that the fabric is sound. We earnestly appeal for .t2,000 to preserve this home, never more wanted than to-day, when the sad cases of ladies with very small in- comes are so numerous. Contributions will be gratefully received by Sir James Boyton, care of Barclay's Bank, Caven- dish Square Branch, Vere Street, W.—We are, Sir, &c., KATHERINE CROMER, MARY Sr. HET TUE, JAMES BOYTON (treasurer), FRANCIS MORRIS, HENRY S. New, VITA J EYES, AGNES M. SCOTT.