10 JULY 1920, page 21

Poems Worthy Of Coxsinaaattora—collected Poems. By Alfred...

Sons. 7s. 6d. net.)—This volume contains : "The Lord of Misrule," "Tales of the Mermaid Tavern," "The Wine-Press," "The Search Lights,' "A Belgian Christmas Eve," and "A Salute......

Poets And Poetry.

SOME COLLECTED POEMS BY MR. EZRA POUND.* AN American critic once remarked in the course of conversation that Mr. Ezra Pound made a living by being impudent. Mr. Pound has just......

Brodie And The Deep Sett. By I. A. R. Wylie.

(Mills and Boon. 7s. 6d. net.)—Miss Wylie's latest novel is concerned with the development of the character of a grocer's son who becomes an officer. lie has contracted a secret......


THE RESCUE-t MR. CONRAD returns once more in his new novel to the in- exhaustible treasure-house of his Malayan experiences. Yet to those who have followed his literary career......