10 NOVEMBER 1877, Page 1

Of course, with disaster there is discontent at Constantinople, and

rumours of revolution are in the air. As these rumours are usually stated, the Peace Party desire to restore Sultan Murad, said to have recovered, and to summon Midhat Pasha to the front, but there must be some blunder in this. Midhat is not a peace man, the present Sultan is suspected of pacific ideas, and the " army of revolution" in Constantinople consists of the Softas and soldiers, who are for more vigorous prosecution of the war. We think it will be found that any emeute which may break out will be directed towards the deposition of Abdul Hamid, the elevation of his next brother, or possibly of Murad, as a lay figure, and the creation of a virtual War Dictatorship in favour of Midhat. Losses in Asia, no doubt, alarm the Pashas, who do not expect to keep Europe, but there is always a strong probability that a race will obey its historic law. In that case, the Turks should perish fighting.