10 NOVEMBER 1877, page 13

English Colonists At Hong Kong. Rro The Editor Of The

"SPEOTAT0R.1 Stn,—In a paragraph in the Spectator of last week, you draw attention to the action of Mr. Pope Hennessy, with reference to the Hong Kong Gaol, in which you allow......

A'ers To The Editor.

.LN/S COLLEGE AND THE UNIVERSITY OF LONDON. ITO THE EDITOS OF THE "SPECTATOR.") • s9 - —If you are not tired of the University question, may I ask a to allow me space for a few......


THE LAST SCENES OF THE SHOGUNATE. Tokio, Japan, September 13, 1877. IT is not every day, even in these stirring times of change, that one has a chance of seeing the last of a......