10 OCTOBER 1925, Page 38


LECTURES Oct. 13th, 5.30.—Tire BRUKAILLESCAN RevrveL, by Dr. Percy Dearmer, at Kings College, Strand. First of a course of ten on " Florentine Art in the Fifteenth Century," illustrated by lantern Slides. Tickets, Is. each or 7s. 64L for course, obtainable outside the Great Hall before each lecture.

. Oct. 14th, 5.0.—Iivntert Dne..ma., by Dr. L. D. Barnett, at the School of Oriental Studies, Finsbury Circus,. E.G.., Oat. 15611.—GORKY AND BUNCH, by.Prince D. S. Mirsky, at Insti- tute of Historical Research, Malet Street, W.C.

. Daily, noon and 3 p.m.—Official Free Public Lecture Tours at the British Museum. For particulars apply to " Official Guide Lecturer, British Museum."


Stoll Cinema, Kingsway (Oct. 12th-14th, continuous programme), Trio LAST Linos. Emil Jennings as an ageing hotel commis- sionaire in one of the best films made recently.

Polytechnic, Regent -Street (daily at 2.30 and 8.30), Moxiosqo. A Russian folk-tale, acted with much power and sincerity by a Moscow Art Theatre company ; something quite out of the ordinary.

Philharmonic-Hall (daily 2.30 and 8.30), THE Luau or THE EAST. The official film record of Major Forbes Leith's 8,000 mile journey through Southern Europe, Turkey, -Palestine and Mesopotamia

fo India. - -

Empire, Leicester Square (daily 2.30' and 8.30), MADAME SANS Mae. Gloria Swanson in a French film version of the tale of the laundress and the Emperor. Fair.