10 OCTOBER 1925, page 37

John Cary, Engraver, Map, Chart And Print- Seller. A...

by Sir Herbert George Fordham. (Cambridge University Press. 10s. 6d. net.) JOHN CARY, who was born in 1754 and died in 1835, was the most prominent map-maker of his time. He......

Literature In The Theatre. By W. A. Darlington. (chapman And

Hall. 12s. 6d. net.) MR. DARLINGTON'S honest mediocrity makes pleasant reading for theatre-goers. The author of Alf's Button helps nobody to enjoy a play or to understand what......

Reconstruction. By Maurice Fanshawe. (george Allen And...

have written so much lately about the League of Nations that we do not propose to do more than briefly call attention to Mr. Fanshawe's book. It is not less than a duty,......


CONRAD'S UNFINISHED NOVEL Oxi of the strangest figures in all English literature, Conrad, the foreign sailor who earned a European repute by writing romances in a tongue not his......