10 SEPTEMBER 1927, Page 19

The world of Punch—and that must be very nearly the

whole world—will like to possess in one volume Parrot Pie (Harrap, OS.)—a collection of Mr. W. K. Seymour's pleasant parodies of some fifty writers of the day. With so rich a bagful of sweets it . is unwise to browse wholesale and embarrassing to be invited to choose, but we particularly like "Johnny Ludlow," after Mr. A. E. Housman :—

"When first I came to Ludlow My heart was young and free ; I wore my Sunday breeches . . .

and commend the pseudo Mr. Michael Arlen's suggestion in The Green Spat for a light supper on " ortolans, collops, truffles, oysters, caviare, larks' tongues, and aspidistra shoots "; while Sir Henry Newbolt is made to sing at the Round Pond :—

" Yamder dip the white gulls, yarnder go the prams Wi' nursemaids wheeling babies home to tea."

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