10 SEPTEMBER 1927, page 27

" Friends " In Fiction

MR. MarraAse has achieved another triumph. Nowadays, when good fiction is so plentiful, reviewers are tempted to use superlatives indiscrinainatively. But in all seriousness we......

- Fidgets. By George A. Birmingharti. • (hodder And...

70. ed . . net.)---George Birmingham is one of those fortunate writers who are always welcome, and welcome to all kinds of readers. Indeed, mere human gratitude for the......

Two Cases Of Theft

The Decoy. By J. D. Beresford. (Collins. 7s. 6d.) The Bride's Prelude. By Mrs. Alfred Sidgwick. (Collins. 7s. 6d.) THESE two novels have some things in common. In each the theme......


A Notable First Novel The Silent Queen. By W. Seymour Leslie. (Cape. 7s. 6d.) Mn. SEYMOUR LESLIE has attempted the most difficult of literary puzzles, namely, to find a formula......

It Is Better To Tell. By Kathleen Coyle. (cape. 7s.

ad.)--This novel has comparatively little incident, but is a moving . and (in spite of its somewhat theatrical setting) a convincing study of maternal love. Lydia Scarfs and......