11 APRIL 1835, Page 7

We have reason to believe, upon authority which we leave

generally found to be correct, that the Church Commissioners have already been induced to revise the decision to which they had at iirstinclined re- specting the diocese of Llandaff.—Oleriber Guardian,

In the parish of Urclifont, near Devizes, there are at this time upwards of one hundred able-bodied men destitute of employment ; and the poor-rates, which have in a few years been lioulded, will soon- absorb the whole rental of the land. [ flaps state of things is the con- sequence of the old, not the new system of the Poor-laws.] At the ;Monmouth Assizes, on Thursday week, an innkeeper was found guilty of refesine, to admit a traveller into his house after twelve o'clock on a Sunday night. Ile was fined one pound by Mr. Justice Coleridge ; who said that every inn was an open house of entertain- ment, which any well-behaved person might enter.

On Tuesday, in the Crown Court at York, a female witness, one of the Society of Friends, wes called on to point out the prisoner against whom her testimony was to be offered. The good lady complied by pointing out one of the reporters connected with the newspaper press, to the great amusement of the Court ; and avowed herself ready to " affirm" that he was the criminal.—Ball Observer.

The Maidstone Gazette gives tin acetaint of some proceedings of the military in that town, which seem to require interference from head- quarters. The soldiers, though not, apparently, the first aggressors in this ease, cannot be suffered to take the law into their own hands. " On Saturday night," says the Maidstone piper, " three soldiers were is the Reel Lion public house, se, where some thiiiiIde•inea were "doing" a country- men. One of the soldiers 111.01! SOM2 1.1.111;trkS, and a thimble-man knocked him down. A tight ensued; and the men, to the member of about twenty, beat the soldiers severely, and placed one of them upon the fire, by which he was much burned, and also straw!: him several times with a hot poker, assisted by several women with their patens. ()II Smalay night, about fifty or sixty soldiers left the garrison (some of them with heavy sticks), and commenced a regular search through the public-houses, in order to avenge this insult. They at last fctind a gang of thimble-men at the Plough, and commenced thrashing them till they escaped. Otte of the thimble men got out of the garret-window, and was chased along the tops of several hotts.,s, till at last he was brought (Iowa by a ladder, and severely beaten. Several others at other public-houses were also similarly treated. Many innocent persons who happened to be in the public-houses did not escape without broken heads. Last night, above a hun- dred soldiers were p.,rading the streets in a shalll tr manner. Mr. J. 13renchley, ono of the Magistrates, has visited the deptit on the subject ; and in consequence, piequets of soldiers have been parading the town doting the eveuiug, and no

further disturbance has occurred."