11 APRIL 1835, page 10

According To Mr. Warburton's Llill For The Regulation Of...

caries, the latter are not to be allowed to compound medicines, but will be entitled to receive 10s. fees, or as low as as. if they think fit, for each visit. The medicines they......

The Timcs This Morning Labours Hard To Prove The Necessity

of a coalition between Sir Roulia . r PEEL and the leaders of the Whig party for the salvation of the country. It even goes the length of suggesting that Sir ROBERT might waive......

A Report Was Circulated In Dublin On Monday, That Earl

GREY bad been reappointed to the Premiership. The more ardent of the Irish Liberals were very naturally alarmed and angry at the prospect of his Lordship's return to office; and......


SATURDAY. It is understood that Lord MELEOURNE has received the King's commands to form a Alinistry. We trust that his Lordship will not be unmindful of the deceit that was......