11 APRIL 1969, Page 27

Remember Suez

Sir: There has been a good deal of criticism of our Government about its nominees to attend the funeral of General Eisenhower. That this should be just another example of the Govern- ment's ineptitude may be taken for granted, but, ineptitude apart, I wonder how many of us who remember the Suez crisis would have wanted a more fulsome tribute?

Perhaps it is bad taste to criticise a man after his death, but some of us do remember the insufferable Mr Dulles and the part he and his master played in finally shoving the IA( off the pedestal of a great power, to the great glee of most Americans. There is little doubt that General Eisenhower threatened Eden with war and bankruptcy unless he toed the Dulles line. It is all the more distressing to remember that the SPECTATOR at that' time fully approved of this blackmail.

Had we been permitted, with the French, to stop the war and keep the Canal open, there might never have been the present disastrous Middle East impasse and the UK might well, with a friendly France, have remained a power of some use to the world—and to the us.