11 APRIL 1969, page 12

Mixture As Before

THE PRESS BILL GRUNDY It's an odd thing, but though there's only one Easter day without papers, there seem to be three days without news. I don't know why this should be,......

Song Of The South

TABLE TALK DENIS BROGAN It had been a bleak winter and a bleaker spring in England, and I was not willing to wait for any Chaucerian spring. I had hoped for daffodils That come......

A Hundred Years Ago

From the 'Spectator,' 10 April 1869—Mr. Lowe in- troduced his very original and clever,—perhaps somewhat too clever,—Budget on Thursday night, in a speech which it was much......

Double Take

CONSUMING INTEREST LESLIE ADRIAN A young chum of mine once borrowed from an old chum of his a Mini, which (to the sur- prise of its optimistic fuel gauge) ran out of petrol in......