11 APRIL 1969, Page 29

No. 548: State selection


As from Sunday, all Greek newspapers have been ordered to devote one page of their week- end editions to the reprinting, over the next two and a half years, of a selection of modern Greek literature. This selection, entitled State An- thology of Modern Greek Letters, includes works by communists, 'leftists,' and a man still under a twenty year old sentence of death. -Their writings are apparently to go uncensored, unabridged, and unaltered except in punctua- tion. Competitors are invited to imagine that this whole curious scheme emanated not from the Colonels but from our own benign govern- ment and to compose an extract (maximum 100 words) from a hostile polemic (whether or not actually published) by either Enoch Powell, Michael X or Malcolm Muggeridge, rendered acceptable to Mr Wilson by changes in punc- tuation. The original punctuation should be in- dicated and entries, marked 'Competition No. 548,' must be in by 21 April.