11 AUGUST 1939, Page 19

In the Garden

There is a little garden, formed by an expert who modelled the whole in plasticene before constructing it, which contains more than its share of treasures ; but at the moment the most beautiful thing in it is a narrow border formed of an annual that anybody may grow, the blue pimpernel. I have found the wild blue pimpernel growing in the gutter of a road, but the more splendid garden sorts are not more than half-hardy, and may be treated like that most popular of all such annuals, the African nemesia, into which our florists introduced so many new colours. The blue of these pimpernels is as bright as the blue of a gentian, and they flower very freely. There are a considerable number of varieties of this Italian pimpernel or anagallis, but the deep blue are the best. Phaselia is a rival in colour. The two need different methods of cultivation. Both vie with the gentians in purity and depth of hue. Blue is the most highly valued of colours in the flower border, and these two are not surpassed by any annual found in any list of blues ; for example, in the useful list given in the very small but invaluable book on annuals written some years ago by Mr. Leonard Sutton, and published by Simpkin Marshall.