11 AUGUST 1939, page 2

Hungary And The Nazis

Few countries in Europe are in a more uncertain or less enviable position than Hungary. Linked vaguely with the Axis Powers, she knows well that in Germany's eyes she exists......

The Government And Czech Refugees

It is difficult to resist the conclusion that the Cabinet is acting rather shabbily in the matter of financial support for Czech refugees. Immediately after Munich the Govern-......

The Situation In Spain

A drastic censorship is in force in Spain, and it is difficult to get reliable information regarding either the country's political evolution or its attitude towards the......

Playing At Black-outs

It was a little odd last Tuesday evening to hear the B.B.C. announcer, in relation to the coming black-out, humbly en- treating householders to curtain their windows and conceal......

Our Civil Air Failure

The decision of Imperial Airways to suspend bookings on Imperial air routes is in its way a national humiliation. It is obvious that of the five grounds pleaded by the company......

Dr. Benes On Democracy

Dr. Benes's address at Cambridge struck a lofty and dis- passionate note, when almost without explicit reference to the events of last autumn he appraised the strong and weak......

Indian Troops For Singapore

The reinforcement of Singapore by troops from India may direct some attention to our defence problem in the Far East. Singapore itself, if properly garrisoned, is probably......