11 AUGUST 1939, Page 36


SHAREHOLDERS of Burma Corporation are pleased but not surprised to find that their dividends are on the up-grade again. The final dividend declared last week is raised from 4 annas per share to 5 annas. The interim dividend for the past year was, however, reduced from 6 annas to 4 annas, so that the year's distribution amounts to 9 annas (61 per cent., tax free) against to annas (6.944 per cent., tax free) a year ago. The firmer trend in the base-metal markets recently has doubtless given the company the confidence needed to start raising divi- dends again, though there has never been any doubt that with even a very moderate level of base-metal prices Burma Cor- poration could earn good profits. The only doubts have concerned the probable length of life of the mine. It will be recalled that at the meeting last December Mr. P. E. Marmion disclosed that ore reserves were better than the published figures which showed about eight years' ore supply. He re- ported also on the probable existence of further isolated blocks of ore still to be discovered.

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