11 DECEMBER 1841, Page 17


From December 3d to December 10th.


The Jacquerie, or the Lady and the Page ; an Historical Romance. By G. P. R. JAMES, Esq., Author of " The Gipsy," &c. In three volumes. Rambles in Ceylon. By Lieutenant DE BUTTS.

Charles O'Malley, the Irish Dragoon. Edited by HARRY LORREQUER. With Illustrations by PHI& In two volumes.

Old Saint Paul's ; a Tale of the Plague and the Fire. By WILLIAM HARRISON AINSWORTH, Author of " The Tower of London," &c. With Illustrations by JOHN FRANKLIN. In three volumes. [This black dose of horrors is a dilution of DEFOE mixed with a decoction of AINSWORTH ; Old Saint Paul's being but the alembic containing the nauseous potion, the principal ingredients of which are pestilence, profligacy, and fana- ticism, flavoured with a little spice of goodness, heated to the boiling-point by fire. To drop metaphor, the Great Plague and Fire of London, as described by DEFOE and PEPYS, furnish the scenes ; and a narrative, also attributed to DEFOE, of a worthy grocer who barred out the plague from his house for seve- ral months, supplies the groundwork of the story. The leading incident is the abduction of the grocer's beautiful daughter Amabel by the Earl of Ro- chester, in spite of the vigilance of the grocer, and his apprentice Leonard, the virtuous rival of the profligate lord: Rochester had planned a mock marriage with Amabel, but his minions entrap him into a real one ; only, however, to secure a greater reward by murdering the victim when her betrayer gets tired of her. Leonard is a saviour of everybody but his mistress ; for whose loss he is consoled by marrying a lady of rank whom he saves from the flames: he also saves the life of the King, stays the progress of the flames, and apprehends the incendiaries ; for which services the gallant prentice is rewarded by a barony.

The volumes are illustrated by aquatinted etchings with a coarse kind of effect, designed and engraved by J. FRANKLIN ; who is entitled to the credit of suiting his style to the character of the book.]

The Young Islanders; a Tale of the last century. By JEFPERYS TAY- LOR.

[In the middle of the last century, fifty schoolboys, breaking bounds, are led on board an empty vessel by a wicked boy ; who then sets the bark adrift, having reasons for getting rid of one of them. After floating about, and losing some of the juvenile crew, the vessel is hoarded by a boatful of buccaneers; who carry her to the coast of America, and land the boys on an uninhabited island, but well stocked with swine, sheep, and asses. Their adventures on this spot, an imitation of Robinson Crusoe, form the principal feature and the main interest of the volume.

In a literary sense, The Young Islanders is well written ; and in a meta- physical point of view, well executed, especially in its exhibition of the degra- dation of the mind through the sufferings and wants of the body, as well as the effects of occupation and hope upon the health and character. The story, however, is not natural. Mr. TAYLOR, we opine, has derived his knowledge of the matters he writes about from books, not from having to shift for himself in strange lands. Hence, his incidents are often rather speculative than practical. Intelligent lads, some of fifteen and sixteen years of age, would not, we imagine, have been so helpless at first as his narrative exhibits them. It is only necessary to associate the ideas of schoolboys and a burning-glass, to suppose that they would not have remained so long without thinking of a fire-that they would not have waited till fire was suggested by a dream. When they discovered the concealed stores in the cave, they would surely have succeeded better in build- ing a but : at all events, if they could not have erected one after the European fashion, which they had seen, they were not likely to succeed so admirably in building an Indian one, which they had not seen.

Critically speaking, the book is defective. Of all the fifty, only one returns to England, the rest dying, or being carried off by the Indians ; a punishment out of all proportion to the sin of du' obedience, the heinousness of which it is the object of the author to inculcate. There is, too, a want of ease and quiet- ness in the style : it is too smartly ambitious, yet too affectedly natural. There is, however, a good deal of interest in the story; and if the blemishes of com sition were removed in a second edition, that interest would be further increased.I A Blue-Coat Boy's Recollections of Hertford School. With an Appendix, containing the Rules, Regulations, &c. By GEORGE WICKHAM. [A description of the economy and mode of living at the Blue-Coat Preparatory School, in the form of an autobiography ; which in substance it evidently is, though incidents and circumstances may be added. The volume also contains a short history of the institution, and a list of its officers, &c., with an account of Hertford. It is plainly written, and will answer the purpose with which the germ of the book was originally drawn up-that of conveying to the minds of an intended pupil and his friends an idea of the nature of the school-discipline and daily life.] Tales of the Sings of England: Richard IL to Elizabeth. By STEPHEN PERCY.

[A second series of familiar narratives of popular incidents in the reigns of the

principal Sovereigns of England, intended for young readers. The engrafting of fictitious circumstances on real occurrences in children's books becomes objectionable when historical facts are garbled-as in the instance of STEPHEN PERCY'S account of Wat Tyler's insurrection : not only is the immediate provocation which led to the killing of the poll-tax collector by Wat Tyler incorrectly stated, but the grounds for popular discontent are glossed over, so that the outbreak appears to have been without cause except the turbulent character of the people. The wood-cuts, designed by J. GILBERT, are spirited and effective.] Cousin Natalia's Tales. The Little Wooden Crucifix ; The Goldsmith; The New Year's Wish. By the Translator of "Little Henry." With Illustrations by Miss FANNY Coassuz.

[These tales for children are written in so simple, easy, and flowing a style, that only the German character of the stories would bespeak them to be trans- lations: they have touching interest, and breathe a benevolent spirit. AU three tarn upon the succouring of poor children by rich people; the moral inculcated being rather hopeful patience than persevering energy. The designs of Miss F. CORRAUX are graceful and effective.] The Book of the Poets. Chaucer to Beattie. [This volume contains selections, not from all the poets of Great Britain, for the Scotch are excluded, but from a very great many, and those perhaps the most worthy. Such a selection, of course, furnishes a variety of pleasing ex- tracts; but, like all works of this kind that we have ever seen, The Book of the Poets is deficient in plan : the space devoted to an author seems a matter of accident ; and the pieces, or often rather the bits taken, do not convey the best idea of the character of the author. Limited space may be pleaded, and the plea must be allowed ; but in such a case, we should think it wiser to omit altogether the poets in every one's hands who reads poetry —MILTON, POPE, GOLDSMITH, COWPER. To present a satisfactory view of any writer, unless he is merely quoted as a curiosity, or to complete a link, a whole should be presented; an entire tale of CHAUCER, for example. An indifferent essay on English Poetry is prefixed to the volume ; and to each selection a brief biographical notice is prefixed, apparently compiled from obvious sources: but the compiler has not always escaped error. GOLDSMITH was the editor of PARNELL, but could not be the friend, for this compiler him- self chronicles the death of PARNELL in 1717 and the birth of GOLDSMITH in 1729. The volume is handsomely got up.] Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott, Bart. By J. G. LOCKHART, Esq., his Literary Executor. A new edition, complete in one volume. [A reprint in a single volume of LOCKHART'S Life, forming a companion to the cheap edition of the Works now publishing. A framework exhibits four portraits of SCOTT at different ages, and LOCKHART himself is the vignette, on a larger scale. Looking into the work, we found it as real and as readable as ever ; but we saw no traces of any alteration or addition to require men- g.] Hints on the Art of Teaching; especially as applied to Modern Languages, Music, and History. [This is not an essay on education, but merely what the title professes, " Hints on the Art of Teaching " the French, Italian, and German languages, with his- tory, and music, as regards the pianoforte, the harp, and singing. It, however, accomplishes fully what it undertakes to do, and may be recommended as a sound and sensible little book of hints, both to teachers and parents. The former may gather from it some useful advice or encouragea,ent steadily to persevere in a proper plan, if they have one. The parent will receive, and may possibly attend to, good advice from a person who cannot, like a master asking time to lay a solid foundation, labour under the suspicion of keep- ing pupils back to make money by them. At the same time, the views of the author, are, we fear, somewhat too sound to be very popular in these days of pretension and universal knowledge : he holds, fur example, that to put a tyro to read an author whom natives cannot always understand or relish, is a folly; that DANTE in Italian or GOETHE in German should be reserved for the late perusal of a finished scholar; and that in living languages, where the object is to converse, poetry, unless the comic poets, should not be perused iu the earlier stage of learning. He also thinks It indiscreet in parents or pupils, on hearing a piece by THALBERG, MOSCHELES, or LISZT, which those players, after devoting their lives to their instrument, have written up to their own powers of execution, to insist upon learning it. But so it is, and so it ever will be in amusements, where vanity is not brought down by the necessity of daily bread. Macbeth or .Richard is always the part with young private theatrical performers; though they cannot even comprehend the text and character, much less embody them.] Lessons on Words and Objects, with easy and amusing Experiments, for the parlour or school. By JOHN SMITH, Lecturer on the Smith-and- Holier Plans of Instruction. A new edition, enlarged.

[These helps to a rational method of instructing children to understand what they see and read and learn, will be found very useful to parents and teachers who are dissatisfied with the old practice of learning by rote : the Pestalozzian system as applied to objects, and the plan adopted in the Scotch Sessional Schools with reference to words, have both furnished hints to the compiler.]1 The Royal Alphabet of Kings and Queens. [A child's picture-book of regal costumes of different countries and ages, with couplets to describe each figure.] A Key to Pleasant Exercises in Reading, Parsing, and Mental Arithmetic. By JOHN SMITH. Eighth thousaod, improved.

The Anatomy of Numbers; a series of early lessons in arithmetic, on a new plan. By JOHN Serra. Third thousand.

The Book of the Hostiles; or the History of the Working of the New Poor- law. By G. R. W YTHEN BAXTER, Author of " Humour and Pa- thos," &c.

[Mr. WTTHEN BAXTER—who announces himself as a lineal descendant of the celebrated Nonconformist RICHARD BAXTER, and who figures at full-length with arm akimbo in the frontispiece—had, he says, "a reason for calling into existence " some such work as the present. He therefore " composed the Book of the Bastile-s, not only for the present generation, but for posterity "; being further encouraged thereto by sundry subscribers, among whom Messrs. Fthi.rixe, WALTER, and General JOHNSTONE figure as donors of 51. each; which accounts for their being cited, in company with Lord STANHOPE and Mr. OASTLER, as products " in extenuation " of " the age that has produced a Brougham, a Russell, and a Malthus." This bulky book—as big as a volume of Hansard's Debates—Mr. BAXTER has compiled, with scissors and paste, from a collection of all that has appeared in print of and concerning the ope- ration of the new Poor-law, and a good deal that has no relation to the sub- ject; including, among all sorts of inflammatory trash from newspapers and pamphlets, Police eases of distress, evidence taken by the Commissioners, speeches in and out of Parliament, letters and petitions—making a jumble of statements and opinions, arranged under several heads, and prefaced by a series of Mr. BAXTER'S own diatribes.]

The Chemist; or Reporter of Chemical Discoveries and Improvements, and Protector of the Rights of the Chemist and Chemical Manufacturer. Edited by CHARLES WATT, Esq., Lecturer on Chemistry, and Jowl WATT junior. Volume 1L [The completion of the second volume of a periodical, which besides presenting a view of the progress of chemistry, and furnishing a medium for the announce- ment of facts, or the discussion of opinions, gives reviews of scientific works, and has an eye upon practical matters, which concern the chemists and drug- Dramatic Works of William Sha.kspere. A new edition. With numerous illustrative Engravings; and a Sketch of his Life, by ALEX- ANDER CHALMERS, A.M.

[A Glasgow diamond Shakspere ; the whole of the plays being compressed in one moderate-sized duodecimo volume, handsomely bound, each play having a little vignette. Of course, it is not for readers of weak eyesight.] Walter Gray, a Ballad; and other Poems. By MARY CHALENOR. [Alittle volume of smooth and agreeable poetry of the miscellaneous 'kind.] The Natural History of Exotic Moths. By Jastes Durreao, M.W.S.

Illustrated by thirty-four coloured plates, with Portraitsuid Memoir of Latreille. (The Naturalist's Library.)


The Local Historian's Table-Book of Remarkable Occurrences, Histori- cal Facts, Traditions, Legendary and Descriptive Ballads, &c., con- nected with the Counties of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Northumberland, and Durham. By M. A. RICHARDSON, Author of a Descriptive Com- panion through Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Part XI. (Published In Monthly Parts ; of which the previous ten were received before.) [This chronology of local occurrences, from the earliest times when a date is ascertainable, possesses an especial interest for the residents of the Northern Counties ; but, inasmuch as it records historical events as well as trivial in- cidents, and includes biographical notices of men whose fame extended beyond their birth-places, it is not without a value to the general reader. The work is divided into two portions, the larger consisting of the chronicle, and the lesser of the traditions and ballads of the country. Some of these are very charac- teristic and curious : they invest with poetic associations almost every ruin or spot of ground ; and the earlier legends of moss-troopers and border-strifes afford an insight into the customs and state of society in remote periods. The handsome pages are illustrated with wood-cuts of old buildings, and other antiquities.] Merle's Domestic Dictionary, Part V.


Magazines for December—Asiatic Journal, Congregational, Chambers's London Journal, Stevens's.


Hodson's London and Westminster Pocket Almanack, and Annual Pic- ture of London, for 1842. Contains lists of public institutions and places of resort in London ; includ- ing churches and chapels of every denomination, hospitals, baths, theatres, exhibitions, &c.] The Congregational Calendar and Family Almanack, 1842. [In addition to the usual information, we find, under the head of " Denomina- tional Intelligence," lists of Independent[Chapels and Preachers, and other details relating to the Congregational Union. It is handsomely printed, and gives wood-cuts of new chapels.] The Post Magazine Almanack, and Court and Parliamentary Register. 1842.

The Companion to the Almanack, or Year-Book of General Information, for 1842.


Sadak in Search of the Waters of Oblivion. Painted by JOHN MARTIN; engraved by ALFRED MARTIN. [An effective mezzotint of the first large oil-picture painted by Mr. MARZ7N, very cleverly executed by his son. The admirers of this artist's peculiar style of treating every subject, will probably be no less pleased with this than any other of his productions ; because they, for the most part, regard the painter's design without much reference to the scene or incident supposed to be represented : but those who, like ourselves, look to find in a picture a representation of something possible and consistent with itself, if not a faithful representation of the idea chosen for illustration, will object, not to the artist's manner merely, but to the pictorial facts in the print. The incident selected is that where Sadak, having climbed to the summit of a stupendous rock rising above a vast lake, is near falling over the precipice : Mr. MARTIN has depicted Sadak clinging to the projecting ledge of a hollow fragment of rock, which he could not have reached from below, and with his legs hanging over in a position that he could not have gained by recovering himself from an accidental danger of falling. The volcano lightens instead of darkening the air, as the story describes ; and the effect of the fiery eruption is not perceptible on the scene below. ] The Science of Drawing; being a progressive series of the characteristic forms of nature. Part II.—Animals. Part III.—The Human Figure. By FRANK HOWARD, Author of "The Sketcher's Manual," &c. [These two little books complete a very useful work, for the guidance of ama- teurs of sketching in observing and indicating the characteristic points of form and proportion in man, animals, and trees. The denotements of character in the various objects are neat, concise, and sufficiently accurate for general pur- poses of delineation ; and the lithographic illustrations serve to exemplify the text. The study of Mr. HOWARD'S Science of Drawing will not make an i

artist, but it will improve the sketcher : he points in the right direction, though he uses a "royal road," by which difficulties are evaded, not mastered.] Additional Plates to the Railways of Great Britain and Ireland Practi- cally Described and Illustrated. By FRANCIS WEISMAN, Civil En- gineer.

Le Keux's Memorials of Cambridge, No. XXI. Winkles' Cathedrals, Nos. XXX.1X. and XL.


Postscript to the Sixth Volume of the Pictorial Edition of the Works of

Shakspere ; detailing the plan for the completion of that publication, which will include an Analysis of the Ascribed Plays, a Life of the Poet, and a History of Opinion on his Poetical Character ; and announ- cing a new Library Edition, edited by CHARLES KNIGHT.

[In this tract Mr. KNIGHT exhibits, with truth and freedom, the claims which be has upon the admirers of SHANSPERE for his Pictorial Edition ; stimulated thereto by the attacks of Mr. PAYNE COLLIER upon the negligence of modern editors with regard to the text of the poet, and their corruptions or alterations of the folio of 1623. Considering himself as one of the modern editors of' SHAKSPERE, and therefore included in Mr. COLLIER'S sweeping denuncia- tions—which we think was scarcely that gentleman's intention—Mr. KNIGHT goes on to defend himself; showing that, with the exception of a few typogra- phical errors, such as no care can guard against, and the intentional filling-up of elisions which Mr. COLLIER looks upon as a " disfiguration " but which Mr. KNIGHT does not, the text of the Pictorial exactly follows the standard folio. lie also has a sly hit at Mr. COLLIER, who has fallen into the verbal error of giving the for my in a passage in his specimen-page. The matter, however, that chiefly concerns the public, is Mr. KNIGHT'S announcement " of a lone- cherished intention "—that he intends to commence the publication early 111 1842 of a new edition of the Works of Sliakspere. This will not be a pictorial edition, in the former sense of the term ; although those wood-engravings will be introduced which really illustrate the author better than any verbal explana- tions. The Works will be handsomely printed in dewy octavo ; and the Life and other introductory matter will form part of this edition. it will be com- prized in not leas than twelve volumes. The price is not stated. Notes will be given, but we do not gather their extent. The type in the specimen is similar to COLLIER'S, but, we think, rather handsomer : like his, too, the margin looks somewhat scanty.] A Lecture on the Life of Dr. Franklin. By the Reverend Heart M'NEILL, A.M., as delivered by him at the Liverpool Royal Amphi- theatre, on Weds:Lords), evening 17th November 1841. With the addi- tion of a Prefatory Note to the Reader, by JOHN B. MURRAY., Esq., of New York. How to Colonize; the Interest of the Country, and the Duty of the Go- vernment. By Ross D.M.Aficusks, Esq., M.P.