11 JUNE 1904, Page 25

The Sportsman's Book of India. Edited by F. G. Aflalo.

(Horace Marshall and Sons. 18s. net.)—Mr. Afialo divides his book into ' four "Parts," respectively entitled "Shooting," "Fishing," "Sports and Games with Horses" (we venture to suggest that " Pigsticking " and " Hunting " are more akin to the sports described in Part I. than they are to Polo and Paper-Chasing), "Some Minor Sports and Games." In Part I. Lieutenant-General Sir M. G. Gerard describes the chase of the tiger, panther, and bear ; General Kinloch that of the rhinoceros (now found in Nepal, Bhutan, and Assam) ; Captain A. G. Arbuthnot the bison. Shooting in the Himalayas and Kashmir is an important subject, and occupies about a half of the whole part. Under the head of "Fishing" the mahseer has, of course, the precedence. But there are many kinds of less importance. Sea-fishing, too, at many places offers considerable opportunities. In Part IV. cricket, football, and golf head the list ; the last of these three has many recommendations. It is not costly, it does not make an excessive demand on the strength (though the golfer is warned that he must economise both that and his temper). This is a carefully prepared book, which we naturally describe rather than criticise.