11 JUNE 1904, page 13

(to The Editor Of The " Spectator." J Sin,—as I

read with admiration, not unmixed, it may be, with a little apprehension, of the marvellous achievements of the Japanese, I am reminded of an incident of fifty-odd years ago......

[to The Editor Of The "spectator."] Sir,—reading The...

the above heading in your issue of May 28th I came upon this :—" The reluctance of California and Australia" (to the presence of the yellow man) "is based on an instinct, and......

Lto The Editor Of The "spectator?'] Sir,—in An Article In

the Times of June 4th, in which the celebration of Cobden's centenary is made the occasion for a vehement attack upon Cobden's memory, the following passage occurs :—" The creed......

Sir, — May I Venture With All Deference And Humility To...

out what appear to me to be flaws in your arguments as they are published in your issue of June 4th ? You say the utmost that brewers or publicans can plead is that they have......

[to The Ed/tor Op The "spectator.1 Notice That In Your

leading article under the above heading in the Spectator of May 28th you make the state- ment, in support of the theory of the probability of an internal revolution in Russia.,......