11 MARCH 1882, Page 2

The Prussian Government has virtually given up the Kultar- kampf.

Prince Bismarck has proposed, in the Prussian Cham- ber, that £4,500 a year should be voted to re-establish the Prus- sian Mission at the Vatican. He argued, through Dr. Busch, that a State containing 8,000,000 of Catholic subjects could not transact business with the Roman Curia either profitably or rapidly, without a mission. Dr. Virchow, for the Progressists, stoutly opposed the grant, on the ground that the Chancellor was " going to Rome, if not to Canossa," and that a special mission could manage any indispensable negotiations without re-establishing permanent relations ; and Dr. Weber, for the National Liberals, followed on the same side. The Conserva- tives, Ultramontanes, and Free Conservatives, however, sup- ported the Chancellor, though Herr Windthorst's speech was a grudging one, and the grant was carried. Prince Bis- marck has found at last, as the French Government will find, that the very best Krupp artillery will not lay a ghost.