11 MARCH 1882, page 2

The Prussian Government Has Virtually Given Up The...

Prince Bismarck has proposed, in the Prussian Cham- ber, that £4,500 a year should be voted to re-establish the Prus- sian Mission at the Vatican. He argued, through Dr. Busch,......

With Regard To The Controversy As To Mr. Bradlaugh, Lord

Redesdale is a great deal more logical than the party with which he usually acts. On Tuesday, he introduced a short Bill into the House of Lords, providing a regular......

There Seems To Be Every Chance Of Another Cape War.

The Colonial Government has determined either to reduce the Basutos to complete subjection and confiscate their lands for their recnsancy, or to abandon the territory to the......

" Jumbo " Has Been In Chancery. Mr. Romer, Acting

on behalf of certain Fellows of the Royal Zoological Society, applied to the High Court, Chancery Division, to restrain Mr. Barnum from removing the elephant. His argument was......

. The Commons' Debate On The House Of Lords' Committee

was concluded on Thursday night by a discussion, in which Mr. Lewis, the Conservative Member for Londonderry City, Mr. Chaplin, and Mr. Lowther said all the bitter things they......

Lord Northbrook Has At Last Induced The Government To...

that a modern ship-of-war is a great scientific machine, fall of complicated engines, and demanding in its builder, and therefore in the authority who controls the builder, a......

The French Government Has Taken A Notable Step In Eccle-

siastical affairs. M. Boysset proposed on Tuesday "to consider the abolition of the Concordat," or rather, that it should be treated as a simple treaty with the Pope, and"......

There Was A Carious Little Discussion In The House Of

Com- mons on Tuesday on a point of political msthetics. Mr. Labon- chere had a notice of motion on the paper declaring that the House of Lords is " useless and dangerous," and......