11 MAY 1850, Page 6

Of Court.

Tete, Queen's. recovery was so far advanced on Wednesday,. that no more bulletins of her health were issued after that day. The infant is reported tube, "perfectly well-" The "high honour of being foster-mother to the young prince has fallen, says a Carnarvon paper,. to. Mistress. Jane Jones, wife of an industrious man in the employment of the Chester and Holyhead Railway .Company, at lielywell—" a real Jenny. Jones."

The Dutehess of Rent has been a daily visitor at the Palace.: on Whtle nesday she visited the Queen of the Belgians there.

:Prince Albettbas been visited-frequently by the Prineeof Iieiningen; now a guest ofthe Dutehess of Kent at Clarence House. On Saturday laet he entertained his-four elderchiliffien by taking them personally tattle elitism= in. Regent's:Park.

It is annoimeed thrthon Quantum of the Cenral:out Osborne, about the-. middle of-June, the Queen will hold drawingrooms and give balk