11 MAY 1850, page 21

Commercial Gazette.

Tuesday, May 7. PARTNERSHIPS DissotvEu.-Barker and Till, Burslem, earthenware-manufacturers - Mercer and Parton, Maidstone, millers-Hedges and Keymer, Cirencester, linen-......

Prices Current.

BRITISH FUND S. (Closing Prices.) Safari. Monday. Tuesday. Wearies. Thurs. FrWay,,, I per Cent Consols Ditto for Account 951 931 95 94 952 931 951 96 954 962 3 per Cents......


On the 1st May, at Caledon House, Ireland, the Countess of Caledon, of a daughter. On the 4th, at Hopton, Lady , Lacon, of a son. On the 4th, at the Bishop of Rochester's, Eaton......