11 MAY 1962, Page 4

Nkrumah's Reconciliation

HERE is hardly any step which President 1...Nkrumah could have taken more likely to raise his prestige, in, this country than his release of 160 political prisoners and his announcement of an,amnesty for.Ohanaian politicians who have Ng abroad. Much ,of the criticism, to which the Ghana..Government haS been subjected and which, has causedirescratment in that country has been due Ao concern at what appeared the familiar onset of the machinery of a police Stale. No., doubt, conditions in West Africa are not comparable to. :those of Europe, and African political, traditions have their own dynamic, but .i.c4(ijj.: remains .true that Ghana's record on ciyil :liberties has in the past been less good than-those of. same of its ociAbours. There is now sortie hope that this trend will be reversed—especially if President Nkrumah plans to continue the re- lease. of detainees.and include in his 'gesture of reconciliation' such opposition leaders as Mr. Joe Appiah and ,Dr. Danquah. In any case, the effect,of this, new. course on Anglo-Ghanaian- lations. can only be beneficial. It . restores con- fidence in _President Nkrumah's undoubted Os as, a. statesman,. and, incidentally, jnstifies thqse who advised that last year's royal visit to Ghana

should not be cancelled. .