11 MAY 1962, page 9

Ruthless Truth

Doris Lessing's Play with a Tiger, which has been running for two months at the Comedy,. is , coming off this week, and Siobhan McKenna, who plays the lead, has very properly......

Absolute Truth Some Time Ago Moral Re-armament Acquired...

Theatre. Since then, apart from occasional lettings to other managements, they have either put on their own Buchmanite plays there or kept it empty—dark, as the theatre world......

Taking The Mickey I Hear That Private Eye, That Frequently

funny satirical squib that fizzes fortnightly out of Chelsea, is to have a rival soon. There is news of a new satirical magazine called Relax that is to make its first......

Anti-germanism Racialism Makes Me Angry In Whatever Guise...

Robert Muller's television thriller Night Conspirators is an example. The main theme of Muller's play is the appearance of a paralytic Hitler in West Germany to be judged by a......

Spectator's Notebook

W HEN I suggested a fortnight ago that the campaign for Nuclear Disarmament was ripe for a take-over bid by the Communists, I fully expected a number of letters of abuse and......

The Shot Tower The Shot Tower On The South Bank

has now vanished. No elegies from me, for I had hated the thing ever since that day when I found myself in a cold sweat of vertigo half-way up the rickety iron staircase that......


We must give credit where credit is due, and there's no doubt that the Liberals worked up a very creditable schwerpunkt in many areas during the local elections. On Saturday......