11 NOVEMBER 1854, Page 19


Tuesday, November 7,

Pairrxensturs Dissotvan.-Haslem and Swer, Victoria Road, Pimlico. lacemen -Hadow and Co. Mincing Lane, colonial brokets-Cooke and Sutton, Newcastle- upon-Tyne, chemists-Lister, Inane, and Co. Halifax, Yorkshire, machine-makers; as far as regards T. 'Whittaker and W. Lees-hfunton and Smith, Swaffhara, iron-

fotmelers-Foster and Mehtedadateh;

fie/di Yorkshire; eurgeous-W. Papineau_and ,Cor Sthtlord, Essex-Sowerby and Co. Oxford Street, drapers-Young and- Co. Isillgwenlly, Moninouthithise, coal- mercliantss-Hall and Co. Walsingham, 4ran.manufacenrers ; as far as regards E. Mitleaster and T. J. Hall-Baxter and Chadwicks 'Blaktiurn, tailors -Burkitt and - Nelson.. Wolverhamptowstnasons-Joyce and Co; Tiifste, meithants-J. and J, Jones, Liverpool; cartroveners---Croasdali'and'Kenyon, Whalley. Landeshire, grocer& - Llifuente and Paeqoali, Fenehureit Street, ,merehary--Orchard and Cos, Wheat- shard- Yard. Barriogdon • Street 'patentees for copper acing type-Jones and Son, Birmingham, paper-dealers-mm and Stead, Ha dere eld, hoeserbreakera-sGreeu and Newman, Lower ,Thames Street, sictuellers,- Gittins, New Street, Dorset Sqtritie, and Allkins, Whiteeross Street, St. Luke's, patentees fat the manufaeture of nil:May-tills -:tarred and Mason, Leicester, manutacturers of hosiery-Borrow andro: Halifax, Yorkshire, silt-spinners; as far as regards B. Lochwoote--Pinott and "Lai, Nottingham corn-inerchanteJsand S. Haywood, Birmingham, casting- mould-makers--Beresiord and Marshall, Belper, stone-masons-Tuck and Co. Jer- myn Street., mineral-water-manufacturers.

BArocauercy ANN 4;LLED.-SamtEL ZAnuar, Cullum Street, merchant.

Kitritherrs.-11ENRY •Jona Tdaii, Pancras Lane„.yeireliouseinan, to surrender Noy. II: Dee: 19: scilicitors; LinklateM, Size Line fficialsassignee Whitmore, Baffingliall Street-Ludas MINUET', Rochester, grocer, 'or. 17s. Deis. 19's. solicitors, Stevens and Satchel],, Queen Street, Cheapside ; official assignee, Cannan, Alder- nianisury-WILIJAu CROSS, Melville Place, Hackney, printer, Nov. 17, Dec. 18: solicitor, Padden, Cheapside ; official assignee, WhitinoreS Ba'singhall Street- Haney Gamow, Jewry Street, Aldgate, apothecary,. Nov. 17', Dec. 19: solicitor, Harris, idooreas, te Street ; official assignee, 'Whitmore, BasinghallStreet-TnouAs BUTITARD, Maidstone, grocer, Nov. 16, Dec. 2L: solicitors, Nichols and Doyle, Gray's Ion; Morgan, Maidstone; official assignee, Bell, Coleman Street Buildings - Enwssin Because, Cullum Street, merchant, Nor. 17, Dec. 21 solicitors, Crowder and Maynard, Coleman Street ; official' assignee, Bell, Coleman Street 'Buildings- WALTER LONEHURST, Queen's Buildings, .Ku ightsbridges 'builder, Nov. 26, Dec. 19: solicitor, Chidley, Gresham Street ; official fiSsignee, Eliwarile, Sambrook Court- JOIIW WINEFIELD, Greenwich, cement-merchant, Nov. 10, Dec. 20 : solicitors, Aldfidge and Bromley, Gray's Inn ; official assignee. Nieholson,Basinghall Street- HiMar Lt-CKING, Corringlitun, Eesex, grocer, Nov. 17, Dee. 20: solicitors, Linklaters, Sise Lane ; official assignee. Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-WILLIAM WADE, North- ampton, leather-seller, Nov. 21, Dec: 19: solicitor, Butler junsTaoley Street; assignee. Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-Anorrut DEW'S jun. Red Lion Square, jeweller, Nov. 21, Dec. 19 : solicitor, Heatbfield, Featherstone Buildings; official assignee, Stansfehl, Basinghall Street-JOSEPli GarieNSTUEET, Leicester, coramis- sionsagent, Nov. 21, Dec. 12: solicitors, Hamby, Leicester; Motteram and Knight, Birmingham ; official assignee, Harris, Nottiugham-Joux Poni.ean, South Cereey, Gloucestershire, miller, Nov. 21, Dee. 19; solicitors, Mallingsand.Co. Cirencester; Bevan, 13tistol ; official asshens ers: -Hutton, Bristol-J(1,13$ FELL and Joon Lasaovo, Huddersfield, woollen-manutacturem, Nov. 17, Dec. 15: Solicitors, (dough and Ban- toft, and Barker, Huddersfield; Bond and Barwick, Leeds ; official assignee, Young, Leeds-DANIEL Joann Fr iss ET, Liverpool, corn-merchant, Nov. 17, Dec. 14:


tors,Frciicis and Almond, Liverpool; official 'assignee, Turner, Liverpools-Esrema BLinotir, otherwise ESTILER BLEEKELORI% Liverpool, lodging-house.keeper, Nov. 17, Dec. .14: soliciter, Yatesjun. Liverpool ; official assignee, Bird. Liverpool-Joint Tnolueron sen. and Joseen RthowAy Trion:mow, Godley, Cheshire, cotton-waste- dealers, Nov. 23, Dee. 21; solicitor, Sutton, Manchester; oftleial assignee, Heine- man, Manchester-Joux Seurat SMITH, Liverpool, drssaltersNov. 21. Dee. 32; .60- licirei,-Wilson.' Manchester; official. asaignee, Herne-kin, Manchester-NV:m.1Am WAltfrirstr, Manchester, flax-merchant, Nov. 23, De.cl IN: solicitors, Barlow and Aston, Manchester ; Clark, Lancaster ; official assignee, Henna:inn, Manchester. DIVIDEND/I.-Nov. 29, Itietaselson and Co, Brampton, upholsterers-Nov. 28, Hayden, Barnstapte, draper--Nav. 28, Goble, Shoreham, miller-Nov. 28, 'Hodge. Great MarlboroughStreet, stationer-Nov. 28, Kitten, Fenchurch Street, saddler- Nov. 28, Le Grand, Lambeth Walk, grocer-Nov. 29„ llolph, Billericay B.esex, brewer-Nov. 28, Rimell, Hammersmith, timber-mei4hant-Nov. 30, Wells, Co- ventry. haberdasher-Dec. 4, Toyer., Evesham, Worcestershire. innkeeper-Dec. 4, Cattail. Kedditch, linen-draper-Dec. 18, Menon, Birmingham, stationer-Dee. 4, Goodwin, salun, Warwickshire, tallow-chandler-Nov. 30, Pitt, Haselbury Pluck- nett,Somersetshire, girth-web-manufacturer-Nov. 29, Gladstone and Bond, Man- chester, brokers-Nov.-28, Redfern, Manchester, etone-masori-Nov. 28, 0oultate and Swindells, Idanc,heeter, brekers-Noy. 28, hi•lienna„Egremont, Cheshire, wine- merchairtNor. 28, Laycock, 'Liverpool, iton-meichalit -Nov. 29, Wilson, Hull, stone-mason.

Cinerrricssres.-7b Sc granted. unkse cause be shown to 4/se contrary, on the day of meeting.- Nov. 29, Ager, Hill Street, Walwortb, baker-Nov. 29, Fanfold, Park Terrace, Chelsea, oilman-Nov. 28, Robinson, Church Row, Lintehouse, ship-owner -Nov. 28, Stapp, Snow Hill, wholesale cheesemonger -Nov. 30, Johnston, Vera Street, Oxford Street, veterinary singeon-Nov. 30, Crippe, Shrewsbury-, wine-suer- chant-No,; 80, Green, Aylesbury Street. grocer-Nov. 20, Watson,' Weedon Beek, Northamptonshire, licensed victualler-Nov. 28, Smith, Windsor, ,dealer in cutlery

- Nov. 30, Hellyer, New Brompton, Chatham, wood-carsec ;Nev. 30, Gallaher, Nor- folk arreec jetedIlerNov. Maynaid„ Queen% Road, West-Chelsea, butcher-

Nov. 30; Milligan, Chorlton-upon-Me draper--Nov. , Smith, Liverpool, mer-

chant-Nov. 30, Fourdrinier, Stoke-upon-Trent, paper-manufacturer. . .

Dectaim.rross OF 'DITIDENDS.-Pratt,-New Bond Street, upholsterer; first div. of 23. 6d. any Tuesday; Pennell, GuildhaliChambers-Jarrett, Wick.ham, Berkshire, builder; firm die. of 4s. any Tuesday; Pennell. Guildhall Chambers-Homersham, Russell Street, Bermondsey, woolstapler; second div.. of 9d. any Tuesday ; Pennell, Guildhaft,Chambere-13esley, Tiverton.Devonshire, grocer ; first inv. of Is. 54. any Tuesday Or 'Friday; Hirtzel, Exeter-Thynne, Tavistock,- musical-instrument- dealer • first div. of 6s. ad. any Tuesday or Fridays, Hirttel, kx,:ter-Gribbell and Lusdarillie, Tavistock, grocers; first div. of 5w end firat'dir. of s2412d. on the sepa- rate estate of R. Luseombe; any Tuesday or Friday; Ilirtzel, Exeter-Bowrin, Wal- sall, curette; first di,. of .104. any Thursday; Christie, Birmingham-Green, Bir- kenlieid;-atiCtianeer ; eecond die. of 2410d. and a firs/ div. of is. on mew proofs, Nov.15, °emu subsequent Wednesday; Morgan, Liveepdol-flulland, St. Helen's, eastsrnantifacttlrer1• seeead dies of Is. Od. and first div. of 4s. 84. on new proofs, Nov. 15; of any subsequent Wednesday ; Morgan, Lieerpool.

Scormi SEQIIESTRATIONS.-Alletr, Glasgow, 'pianoforte-maker, Nov. 16-Della' Torre, Perth, merchant, Nov. Ids-Sinclair, Diasgow, iron cotornission-agent, Nov. 14-Aitken, Kelso, cattle-dealer, Nov. 17.

.Friday, Nave** 10.

PAaraga.snres Dissoteen.-Walker and Co. Queen's Buildings. ..Knightsbridge, millinera-Hartley and Cennelley, Manchester, chair-shakers-Stacey and Co. Shef- field, . table-knife-mannfacttirers ; as far as regards _Hs T. G1inold-Laycock and Wragg, .Doncaster, tanners-Qualleti and-Lewis, -New Bond Street, auctioneers,. Pentre Byelian Colliery Company, ,Ruabon, Denbighshire-Binns and co. old Swill- ford, Worcestershire, hammer makers-Richardson and Co. Liserpool„ merchants ; as far as regards W. Inman and'SS: Treffry-lt..: and S. J..Gillespy, Tottenham Court 13.00d, liair-aleeseers-J. and . iMere.. Hudderifieldslepdpers-Walker and Good- acre, Meester, architects- Oldknow and' Stevenson, NoW Lenton, Nottinghamshire, jacquard-makers--.Pastime and ,TJrderhill, Birmingham, inda-water-mieufaCturers -Holden and Co. lit, Helena, Lancashire,. chemists ; as far as regards W. H. Bal- mains...A:heel and Biadrick, Cowper's Court, Conthill, coffee-house-keepers- Garth- side and Pilkington, Charley, Lancashire; surgeone,sLitming and Cm Mill Wall, chemical-manufacturers; as far as regards R. Laming -theetham and Co. Notting- ham, lace-makers-G. and B. Davis, tobacco-brokers-M; Balltjun. Brixton Hill, and T:P. Balls1Brixtoit Road, coach-proprietors-Elliott and ens Luton, straw-ben- net-manufacturers--The Bloclaairu Iron Company; as far as regards W. .Neilson. BAXwaurss.-FitANcts Pius, Queen's Buildings, Knightsbridge, baker, to sur- render Nov. 17, Dec. 21 : solicitor, Fitch, Southampton Street, Bloomsbury; official assignee, Bell, Coleman Street Buildings-JAMES ARTELIIR MILES, Pancras -Lane, brass-founder, Nov. 18, Dee. 23: solicitors, Linklaters, Sise Lace; official assignee, Nicholson,- Basinghall Street-GEMIGE Joan remiss, Cannon Street West, hosier, Nov. 18, Dee. 23: solicitors, Davidson andBridbury, Weaver's Hall; official ,assig- nee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-MARE Dew, Lower Heyford, Oxfordshire, gro- cer, Nov. 17, Dec. 23: solicitors. Linklaters, Sise Lane; hlallam, Oxford ; official assignee, Penoell, Guildhall Chambers-HENnv BILLITER, Robert Street, Grosvenor Square, leather-seller, Nov. 22, Dec. 20: solicitor, Burn, Old Jewry; official assig- nee, Graham; Coleman Street-Thomas WEBB, Cullum Street. 'distiller, Nov. 21, Dec. 21; solicitors, Linklaters, Sise Lane ; official assignee. Graham, Coleman Street -JOSEPH HART, High Street, Wapping, corn-dealer, Nov. 17, Dec. 21: solicitors, Linklaters, She Lane ; official assignee, Cannon, Aldermanbury-Jonsr Fox, Ash- bonnie, Derbyshire, scrivener, Nov. 21, Jan. 2: solicitor, Ingle, Belper ; official as- signee, Harris, Nottingham-ELEA:eon PINGREE ROBERTSON, Gloucester, inn-holder, Nov. 22, Dec. 19: solicitors, Bevan and Girling, Bristol; official assignee, Hutton, Bristol-Goes WILLTAWS, Ebbw Vale, Monmouthshire, draper, Nov. 21, Dec. 19: solicitors, Sale and Worthington, Manchester; Leman and Humphrys, Bnstol ; of- Bri oiew mouth !Ft h ditsper, Nov. 24, Dec. 1' solicitors. Castle ,aher136013fiet ,S Blakey, Newnotl official, assignee; Miller Brietol-Jimrs Diss.9 a, -111anchester: oapi440.: Nov. 23, Dec. 15: solicitors, Cunliti,,, and Co. Manchester; official assignee, Her- Inman, Manchester. , DIVIDENDs. - Dee. -1; Grand; Lower Tottenham, builder - Dec. I; Chown, St: 'Switidn's Lane, wine-merchant-Dec. 1, Bennett, Christchurch, Hampshire, linen- dr.aper-Dee, 1, Allan. Coleman, Street, merchant-Dee: 1,, Hawket,-Dtike,Street, .Isamohl'e Inn Fields, builder- Decs1; TaylOrSFeem 'Sereet; dratierriDee.'1,41awkes, Little AlfingdonStreetS Westminster, coal-.oseeglisil4-D., ens' Ma41:nam.,,Southamp. Lambert; Jeneyn-Rieit, patentimailiciffieliendOt-i-Mhil.S2,145tiike, ton 'Buildings, agent-Dec. 2, _Bush andsCo'Silondon-Street, .infreben10,--1447 • drysalter-Deb.-4, Mason, hlanehester, etatioriee-Dec, 7, Robion, Monk-We - mouth; ship-builder-Dec. 5, Shaip, and Middleton,• Leeds, printers-Doe. 4; Dove, Leeds, aurrier-Dec. 1, Holt, Halifax, iankeeper--Dee. 1, Dyson, Huddersfield,

draper-Dec. 2, Burgin, Sheffield, tailor. • -' •

, CmaiTioATEs.-20 be granted, witless racist be shotin to the contrary, on the day e , meeting. -Dee. 2, Yarrollaud Dallas,, High Street, Borough, tailors-Dee. 1, Edgley, Boteedale, Suffolk, innkeeper--Per. 1, Smith and Aelaby, Great Comm Street, linen. drapersDee. 4, Bin-Cows, Mile End, Stockport, silk-manufacturer-Dee. 4, Hamm, ..1.1anahester, stationer-Ded. 5„Thornley,Boltomlesaloors; dry-salter-Deas 6,,Kiinp- ton, Liverpool, carrier-Dec. 1, Nettle well, -Leeds, silversmith-Dec. 19, 'Taylors Ovenden, Halifax, worsted-spinner. '

Dusan-max or Divinems-Chambera and Son; New Bond ,Street, bankers; 411th and final div. Of 2 1-164. Nov. 15, 22, SO, Dec. 0; Lee. Alde-rmanbury.