11 NOVEMBER 1882, Page 24


The Expositor, for October and November, 1852. (Hodder and Stonghton.)—This admirable periodical keeps up its interest with complete success. In every number there is something of high interest to the students or Biblical literature, both professional and general. Dr. Milligan's articles in those two numbers on "Double Pictures in the Fourth Gospel and the Apocalypse" are full of interest, and contain, we believe, the true key to the supposed difficulty as to St. John's statement concerning the hearing of our Lord before Cain piles, and the seeming conf u Edon between tho hearings before Annas and Caiaphas. Mr. Wace's paper on Professor Zahn's investigations concerning Tatian's Diatossaron, has the most important bearing on the controversy as to Justin Martyr's use of the Fourth Gospel, and, consequently, on the controversy as to the authenticity of that Gospel. Mr. Murphy's paper, in the October number, on "The Temptation of Christ," is very striking and timely; and again, the Editor's exposition of Isaiah's prophecy as to the destruction of "the veil and web of death" by the coming Redeemer, will be read by every. student of Isaiah with a vivid sense of the light it throws on the passage. The Expositor renders constant and signal services to the religious literature of the day.