11 NOVEMBER 1882, page 1

Mr. Gladstone's Speech Was A Careful Comparison Of His...

of events on Lord Mayor's Day, 1880, and his review of them on Lord Mayor's Day, 1881, with the circumstances of the pre- sent time ; and he showed, we think, that both as......

At The Lord Mayor's Banquet On Thursday, The Speech Of

Mr. Child'ers, in returning thanks for the Army, was one of singular interest. He recalled the fact that twice before 1882 had a great British victory occurred on the 13th......

The Dreary Debate On The Necessity For The Compression Of

debate, has gone on all the week, nor shall we be able to record the final division even on the first resolution, which was to take place last night after we went to press.......

News Of The Week.

T ORD DUFFERIN only reached Cairo on the 7th inst., 1.J and already the Egyptian Government has issued a Note, demanding that, in view of the altered circumstances, the Dual......

' 1 4 , 40 The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return...


The Government Of Egypt Is Anxious To Minimise The Appear-

ance of danger from the False Prophet in the Soudan, and to maximise the force to be sent against him. They give out therefore, that though he defeated the Egyptian army, he did......

Lord Granville Was Amusing, In His Patronising Attitude...

House of Commons for its tendency to draw out debate ad infini tam. He quoted Lord Bacon's remark that "it is pleasant to see errors and wanderings, mists and tempests in the......