11 OCTOBER 1890, Page 24


Andy (j. T.), Feudalism, or 8vo (Bell) 7/6 Baker (S. W.), Wild Beasts and their Ways, 2 vols. 8vo (Macmillan) 32/0

Biddulpb (0. E.), Afghan Poems of the 17th Century, 4to (0. K. Peal) 10/6

Bowman (A.), Acting Charades, 12mo (Routledge) 2/6 Brown (J. L.), Otho, or 8vo (Digby & Long) 6/0 Carrington (IL), Stories for Somebody, 4to (Griffith & Ferran) 6/0 Chappell (J.), Hand in Hand, or 8vo (Shaw) 1/6 Cook (E. T.), Studies in Ruskin, or 8vo (Allen) 6/0 Creswell (B. F.), Alexis and his Flowers, 12mo (lJnwin) 3/6

Dash W3.), Dreaming, Llmo (0. K Paul) 5/0 or Svo (Longmans) 6/0

Drury (A. /e.), In tLa Enemy's Country, or 8vo (Griffith & Ferran) 5/0 Exell (J. S.), Bible Illustrator : Philippians and Colossians, 8vo (Nisbet) 7/6

Fletcher (J. 5), Widening Way, or 8vo (CI. K. Paull 6/0

Franzos (E.), Chief Justice, or Svo Oleinemalani 3/6

Fry (E. N. L.), Shreds and Patches, or 8vo (W. Smith 5/0

Gautier (L.), Chivalry, 8vo (Routledge 7/6 Giberne (A.), Least Said Soonest Mended, or 8vo (Nisbet) 3/6

Goodbody (F. W.), Rosalba. or 8vo (W. H. Allen) 6/0

Gould (EL B.), My Prague Pig, or 8vo (Skeffington) 2/6 Graphic History of British Empire, or 8vo (Nelson) 6/6 Hardman (E. and W.), Ten Tales on the To Deem, cr 8vo (Skeffington) 2/6 Hardman (J. W.), Oar Prayer-Book, or 8vo (Skeffington) 3/6 Harte (B.), Ward of the Golden Gate, or 8vo (Chatto /c Windus) 3/6 Henty (G. A.), Pleme Tell Me Another Tale, 16mo (Skeffington) 316

Herring (It. F.), Two Mysteries, 12mo (Skeffington) 2/0

Hoffman (Prof.), Tricks with Cards, or 8vo (Rontledge) 2/6

Holt (E. 8.), Minster Lovell, or 8vo (Shaw) 5/0

Hyde (S.). Nurse's Guide to Massage, 16mo (Heywood) 1/6 Ingham (S. (I. J.), Esther Lovell, or 8vo (Hodder & Stoughton) 5/0 Jamieson (A.), Magnetism and Electricity, or 8vo (Griffin) 3/6

Johnson (i(.), Rise of Christendom, 8vo (C. K. Paul) 14/0

Lightfoot (J. B.), Leaders in the Northern Church, or Svo (Macmillan) 6/0 Longinus on the Sublime Translated by H. L. Havell, or 8vo (Macmillan) 4/6 Macaulay (Dr.), From Middy to Admiral, or 8vo (Hutchinson) 5/0 Mackay (A ), Pioneer Missionary of Church Mis. Soo. (Hodder & Stoughton) 7/6 Macmillan (W. G.), Treatise on Eleftro-MetsllurgV, or 8vo (Griffin) 10/6 Meleager, Fifty Poems of, with Translations by W. Headlam ...(Maomillan) 7/6 Milman (C.), Doll Dramas or 8vo (W. Smith) 2/ Morison (J.). Sheaves of Ministry, Sea (Hodder & Stoughton) 10/6

Morris (L. T.), Famous Musical Composers, or 8v0 (Unwin) 6.0 Overton (R.), Wedding Stories, or Pro (Hutchinson) 2/6

Parker (j.), The People's Bible, Proverbs, 8v0 (Hodder & Stoughton) 8/0 Richardson (a. T.), Practical Blacksmit.hing, or Pro (O. K. Paul) 5/0

Rogers (A.), Passion-Playsom Pro (W. H. Allen) ye

Rogers (W. T.), Manual of Bibliography, or Pro (Greve') 2/6 Rose (0. B.), Our Father's Kingdom, or Pro (Simpkiii) 2/6 Roma (W. C.), My Shipmate Louise, 3 vols. or 8vo (Chatto & Windus) 31/6 Selenka (E.), Zoological Pocket-Book, 12mo (Griffin) 4/0 Shufeldt IL W.), Mythology of the Raven, 8vo (Macmillan) 13/0 Skipton (F. C.), Last of the Fenwioks, 3 vols. or Pro (Hurst & Blaokett) 31/6 Smith (M.), Kisses of an Enemy, or 8vo (Digby & Long) 6/0 Soul Shapes, 4to (Unwin) 3/6 Stables (G.), For England, or 8vo (Shaw) 5/0 Stedman (A. K. M.), Easy French Exercises, or Pro (Methuen} 216 Stedman (J. C.), Romance and Reality, or 8vo (Skeffingten 10/0 Stevenson (A. L.), Raymond; a Story in Verse, 12mo (C. K. Paul 3/6

Starling (J. H.). Philosophy osophy and Theology, 8vo T. & T. Clark) 9/0

Waco (F.), Some Central Points of Our Lord's Ministry (Hodder & Stoughton) 6/0 Ward (H.), Five Years with the Congo Cannibals, 4to Chatto & Windus) 14/0 Watts (R.), New Apologetic, or 8vo (T. & T. Clark) 6/

Whitaker (J. ILL Notes on Pathology, Vol. I., 12mo (Livingstone) 4/6 Worhoise (hi.), Man's Mistake, or 8vo (ir. Clarke) 5/0

Wright (E. J. D.), Sunbeams on my Path, Um (Nisbet) 2/6

Zeno, by a Lady, Cr 8vo (Parker) 7/6