11 OCTOBER 1890, page 3

The Chairman Of The London School Board, Mr. J. R.

Diggle, delivered an address to the Board on Thursday, which contains an able summary of its position. The work of pro- viding the means of education is nearly done. The places......

Bank Rate, 5 Per Cent.

New Console (2}) were on Friday 941 to 96. .......

Dr. Abbott Gave An Interesting Lecture At Toynbee Hall Last

Saturday on "Illusions," which he distinguished from " Delusions " as being natural and, so to say, healthy mistakes which lead to their own correction ; delusions, on the other......

Some Reference In This Lecture To The Curious Account Of

himself given by Professor Huxley to an admirer in a book published last year, annoyed Professor Huxley, who replied in a rather caustic letter to Thursday's Times, in which he......

The Salvation Army Has Sustained A Great Loss In The

death of Mrs. Booth, wife of the General, and his principal assistant in founding his new sect. She is described to us as a woman of perfect sincerity and clear sense, with a......

The Crisis In Portugal Has Now Lasted Nearly A Fortnight.

The King is unable to form a Ministry, statesman after states- man finding himself baffled by the refusal of leaders of factions to coalesce, and the reluctance of any......

It Is Stated, Though Not Yet "on Authority," That Dr.

Thorold, the Bishop of Rochester, is likely to be translated to the Bishopric of Winchester, just resigned by Dr. Harold Browne. Dr. Thorold is a man of capacity and moderation,......

The Negotiations Between Great Britain And Italy On The...

of Abyssinia proceed but slowly, the point in dispute not being the coast-line, but the possession of Kassala, now occupied by the Mahdists. Kassala is the key to Abyssinia from......

Lord Rosebery Made An Amusing Speech At The Dinner Of

the Trades House of Glasgow, held on Wednesday. He was asked to return thanks for both Houses of Parliament, and complained that Sir Archibald Orr Ewing, M.P. for Dumbar-......