11 OCTOBER 1890, Page 44

Little Sir Nicholas. By C. A. Jones. (F. Warne and

Co.)—This is a romantic story, and one which will hardly fail to ple,ase young readers. It is well known in fiction-land that children who may be wanted again have a marvellous way, hardly known in prosaic reality, of being washed up alive from a shipwreck. Hence the experienced reader will not be wholly cast down when he is told that the little heir of the Tremaines has been drowned at sea, and will regard the honours of the new "Sir Gerald" as somewhat precarious. "Sir Gerald" is scarcely a success in the way of portraiture. He is too bad at the beginning, and almost too good at the end. Nicco is better. He interests us when we first see him in his Brittany home ; and his after-career is sketched with no little skill.